Draft Schedule

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Draft Schedule

Postby External Poster » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:47 pm

This posting is from: June L


Well, for the first time, I am totally planning on taking part in
Pinkfest, and I am very excited about it.

A couple of comments about the draft schedule;


The Make-overs at the Center are certainly doable. The one thing is that
we would need to have at least two folks doing the work, so the center
isn't showing any favoritism.

If the "organizers" could select someone to work with me, on this,
(Laura Wright would be perfect, if she is available), we could do the
"out-reach" and schedueling.


Something to consider is the new LGBT exhibit at the Chicago Historical

I have not seen it, yet, however, I have been told it has a good
Trans-gender variant coverage. I will be seeing it early next month and
can report more then.

The Museum is quite near the Gino's-Ed Debevick's area.

OH, one last thing; While there is a train that goes out, close to Klub
Krave, the station is not exactly a "high-heeled" walk and there is no
return train after about 9:30pm.

all the best,


(This posting was entered by June L, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Draft Schedule

Postby annie » Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:08 am

> If the "organizers" could select someone to work with me, on
> this, (Laura Wright would be perfect, if she is available), we
> could do the "out-reach" and schedueling.

I would "second" the nomination of Laura for this. :) :)

Janna has expressed interest in participating, and another name which has been bounced around as a possible vendor participant is/are Rachel and Velma from the wig shop on Irving Park.

For the past few years we've had open house sessions with both Janna and Rachel/Velma, but the turnout has not been that large. Having a common session would probably attract far more people and give both of them a greater degree of exposure.

> OH, one last thing; While there is a train that goes out, close to Klub
> Krave, the station is not exactly a "high-heeled" walk and there
> is no return train after about 9:30pm.

I've done the walk from the Vermont St. station to Krave, and it's very easy, but I agree, I would not want to do it in heels. (I very seldom do heels anymore except for very dressy affairs.)

Last year I did have a ride lined up for the trip back, but I double-checked the train schedule just in case. I re-checked a few minutes ago to be sure. There's a train leaving Vermont St. for LaSalle at 11:06pm. If you read between the lines on the Metra Electric schedule, there's one leaving the Blue Island station (block away from Vermont St) at something like 11:50pm with a transfer at Kensington. Of course there's always the taxi option back to the loop, and with 4-5 sharing the ride the cost per person would be reasonable.
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Draft Schedule

Postby External Poster » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:16 am

This posting is from: Jannas Studio

Hello Annie, Gee, hard to believe another year has passed by since I saw
you gals. I would like to have dinner with all of you, at Winberes in
Oak Park. Perhaps something else but the turnout for an open house has
been small while enjoyable.

I have moved AGAIN! AAARRRGGHHH. Landlord at other place on Harlem
showed up about 2 months ago and said he's getting a divorce and needs
his apartment back. Soooooo here I am with new Studio set-up and lots
of changes. Tra la tra la.

I would love to see you and Ginger, Annie. May I join you whe the
group goes to Winberes?

little "book" of makeup tricks is ready, I'll bring several to pass out
to the group. Shh don't want to promise as it might not be ready.

Hugs and kisses dear, bye for now.

Love, Janna

http://www.jannasstudio.com NEW ADDRESS: 1039 DUNLOP AVE., FOREST PARK,
IL. 60153 NEW PHONE NUMBER: 708-488-0420

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Draft Schedule

Postby External Poster » Wed Aug 24, 2011 8:32 am

This posting is from: Laura Wright

I'd be happy to help, June.

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Draft Schedule

Postby annie » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:23 am

> I would love to see you and Ginger, Annie. May I join you whe the
> group goes to Winberes?

Not only may you join us at Winberies, you can join us for anything else on the schedule! (>>HINT<<) :)

Just remember that the way the schedule sits right now, we'll be doing Winberies for brunch on Sunday, as opposed to the dinner we've done in the past.

Also, since you expressed interest in the makeover thing at The Center, I'm sure that Laura and/or June will be reaching out to you about that.

Looking forward to seeing you again in October. :)
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Draft Schedule

Postby External Poster » Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:26 am

This posting is from: Ginger


You are my guest!


(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest weather (was Re: Draft Schedule)

Postby External Poster » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:46 pm

This posting is from: Elena

Chicago has cool temperatures in October but not so cold for snow. We
don't get snow for another month or so. Lets not freak out our southern

It is important to keep in mind Chicago weather is different from the
rest of northern Illinois because of Lake Michigan. In fall, warm lake
waters help to moderate temperatures in Chicago. Be ready for
temperatures from the 70's to about 40.


(This posting was entered by Elena, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Pinkfest weather (was Re: Draft Schedule)

Postby annie » Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:49 am

> We don't get snow for another month or so. Lets not freak out our southern
> girls.

I'm sure not trying to scare anybody off, but I definitely witnessed snow for Pinkfest, the day I came in, 2006, IIRC. I was staying at the Ramada "OJ Hotel" and when I changed trains at Clark/Lake it was coming down with big white flakes and starting to stick. I think Ginger may have witnessed the snow as well.

When I got to the hotel it was mostly rain and slush. Later that day it was plain jane rain.

Then I think it was 2007 when it was uncomfortably warm. I was planning on doing some photo shooting on Sunday afternoon but gave up since it was just too muggy. That was the weekend when they had the fatality at the Chicago Marathon. It was still semi-sticky that evening.

I think we've seen just about every kind of weather there is for Pinkfest.
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Re: Draft Schedule

Postby annie » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:57 pm

> I'm interested in the makeover. Can someone give more details about it?

Details on the makeovers at The Center are in the works.

However, if you want a makeover session at any time, instructional, transformational, or everyday, I'm sure Janna can find time for you. Phone 708-488-0420

> Also, what does "ms" and "sv" mean after the events?

I'm sorry, I really need to edit those out of the Pinkfest schedule. They really apply far more to DLV. They stand for "mainstream" and "safe venue" and only marginally apply to Pinkfest.
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Draft Schedule

Postby External Poster » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:39 pm

This posting is from: Linda1Lee2

I'm interested in the makeover. Can someone give more details about it?

Also, what does "ms" and "sv" mean after the events?

(This posting was entered by Linda1Lee2, an external user of MyDLV.)
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