This posting is from: Allison
No this is an incident that was supposed to have happened last Friday
(6/236/09). As I said I am getting my info third hand and even the one
that had told me about the incident did not witness the denial of access
but was only told about it after the fact.
My friend who told me about the incident is reliable in aqs far aqs I am
concerned but as we all know sometimes things get blown out of
proportion or exagerated but she says that the person who was denied
access is honest, has no ulterior motives and she trusts her. Since I
do not know that person nor anything about her or witness the incident I
can't vouch for that.
All I can say is that after talking to the bartenders I am very familiar
with at Hunter's and some of the security staff that they were all aware
that this happened and that it was an isolated incident that night. I
know of a couple of other girls who did go to Hunter's that same night
and had not problems getting in or while there.
I will keep the group posted on this issue as I hear information but for
now I do not see a reason not to go to Hunter's if the group does decide
they want to. Hunter's is still wanting our community to patronize them
and in fact when I mentioned the PinkFest group they all remembered and
knew you and were looking forward to having you again this year.
As for your reference to airlines you are forgetting about the one
incident where the t-girl from England was not allowed to get onto a
United flight to Chicago (from Omaha? not sure of where the flight was
taking off from) that made such a splash in the news because her
passport picture was in male mode. Sure this was an issolated incident
(like this seems to be) and I have not heard of anthing like it since
but then again maybe that is because of all of the negative
publicity/news coverage that was a backlash from it for United.
I am not sure what the policy is for any other states but here in
Illinois if you want a state issued ID with a picture of you dressed
enfemme all you have to do is go to the Secretary of States office and
get one (I think the cost is $12). It will have your male name and info
of course (unless you have transitioned and have the necessary paperwork
from your therapist and court name change doculentation) but it will
have a picture of you dressed that you can show. I know of several
girls who have done just that to not have any trouble if they are
stopped by the police while dressed.
(This posting was entered by Allison, an external user of MyDLV.)