GLBT concerns

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GLBT concerns

Postby External Poster » Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:56 pm

This posting is from: Kina

Hi Cyndi: I live in an area where the local newspaper claims to be one
of the ten best newspapers in the USA, but its political news reporting
is, at best, far removed from the coverage in the Washington Post. In
other words, your E-chat was the first indication that I had about the
current situation relative to GLBT rights. I attended SCC2007 and
applauded the efforts of tthe trans-rights organizations to attain GLBT
employment protection. I presume from your correspondence that this
bill, although passed by the House, is either stalled or has been
eliminated by the Senate. If you could supply more details, I would
certainly appreciate it. Remember "inquiring minds want to know". The
DLV or Pinkfest discussion E-post may not be the suitable channel for
political deliberations, but perhaps one more E-posting might be
forgiven. Kina Micole

(This posting was entered by Kina, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

GLBT concerns +2

Postby External Poster » Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:04 pm

This posting is from: Cyndi

Hello Kina,

Anyone who attended SCC for the last two years ('06 & '07) may have
noticed that the production (lights and sound) in the grand ballroom, as
well as some of the breakout events was supplied by folks from the Be
All production staff, including yours truly. it's what I do. We may have
crossed paths without even knowing it? Hopefully we'll meet here in my
fair city this weekend. In answer to your question

Kina <> wrote:

>Hi Cyndi: I live in an area where the local newspaper claims to be one
>of the ten best newspapers in the USA, but its political news reporting
>is, at best, far removed from the coverage in the Washington Post. In
>other words, your E-chat was the first indication that I had about the
>current situation relative to GLBT rights.

Kina, quite frankly, I suspected as much. Hence the reason for my post.
The mainstream media has not picked up on this story, and that lack of
coverage is actually a mixed blessing, for reasons I won't go into now.

I attended SCC2007 and applauded the efforts of tthe trans-rights
organizations to attain GLBT employment protection.

Anyone who attended SCC for the last two years ('06 & '07) may have
noticed that the production (lights and sound) in the grand ballroom, as
well as some of the breakout events was supplied by folks from the Be
All production staff, including yours truly. it's what I do. (We may
have crossed paths without even knowing it?) The bitter irony, in regard
to SCC, is that one of the keynote speakers, Joe Solmonese, is from HRC,
which for all intents and purposes has AGAIN completely betrayed the
trust (and money!) that the trans-community placed in them.

I presume from your correspondence that this bill, although passed by
the House, is either stalled or has been eliminated by the Senate. If
you could supply more details, I would certainly appreciate it. Remember
"inquiring minds want to know". The DLV or Pinkfest discussion E-post
may not be the suitable channel for political deliberations, but perhaps
one more E-posting might be forgiven. Kina Micole

Out of respect for the express wishes of the moderator of this group, I
hesitate to go into any further detail regarding this crisis that has
impact on ALL of us (CD, TV, TG, & TS, to varying degrees) at this time.

However, anyone who is interested can either contact me off-list, or go
to any of the national trans-rights websites for more info. There are
online petitions that can be signed, and contact info for sharing your
feelings with your specific legislators, as well as Speaker Pelosi, the
traitorous rat-bastard, Barney Frank, and HRC.

I suggest checking out the following for more info:

Also, with kind permission of Annie, Pinkfest participants can make
tax-deductible donations to Illinois Gender Advocates either at the open
houses sponsored by Rachel's Wigs and Janna's Place, or to me directly
at a time and place soon to be announced. We continue to fight for the
rights of ALL trans-people, and your generous support is appreciated.
>>> Cyndi
Cyndi Richards

(This posting was entered by Cyndi, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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