Plans moving forward
Call For Volunteers
Your hotel reservations
Informal replacement event
Virtual DLV - November 6
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Plans moving forward:
Welcome to those who just joined our mailing list. If you have any
questions or concerns, please let us know.
Again, we are very sorry for the disappointment of the cancellation of
our planned event this month, but we believe it was the correct decision
due to the current circumstances.
Yes, there will be some who will be getting together anyway that week,
and information on how to participate appears below. Please remember
that this will be an independent effort and will not be sponsored by the
DLV organizers and volunteers.
We also have a preliminary announcement below for a "Virtual DLV", to
be held on line via Zoom in early November. Details appear below.
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As to the plans for Diva Las Vegas 2021, discussions are in progress but
no plans have been made as of this time.
Due to the current conditions, any plans for a 2021 event will most
likely be announced at the very earliest around the first of the year.
We will appreciate everyone's understanding, patience, and flexibility
as we plan for DLV 2021.
Several options are being discussed and considered, but none have been
decided upon.
These include options for a spring event within our usual timespan, an
autumn event in October of 2021, and a tentative spring event with a
planned "rain date" in the fall, among other options.
We'll likely have a better picture of the way things are progressing
around the first of the year, and that is the target for making some
preliminary plans for the 2021 event.
In order to have an event at any time, the conditions in Las Vegas must
be conducive to a safe and enjoyable time.
More importantly, we must have the conditions under which an adequate
number of our volunteers will be able and willing to coordinate the
activities which will make up our event.
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Call For Volunteers:
Speaking of volunteers ... ...

First of all, we wish to thank all who worked on DLV 2020 for their
efforts, in spite of the fact that we were unable to have an event this
year. If it was not for our many dedicated volunteers, the Diva Las
Vegas events in years past and in years to come could not happen!
Since we were not able to have our annual Call For Volunteers following
our event this year, we're doing it now, and we invite you to step
forward and do what you can to make a great thing even better!
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Planning and organization of DLV is done mostly on line. It's
interactive and participatory. Volunteers form what we call the
DLVORG group.
The DLVORG group is not at all closed or exclusive. With very rare
exception, it's open to anybody who expresses interest in helping out
with DLV.
DLVORG people participate at the decision-making level, the organizing
and planning level, and at the nuts-and-bolts level.
All of the activities that happen at our events are "adopted" by one
or more of our volunteers, who take the necessary steps to make them
To volunteer, please do one of the following:
Visit the URL:
Fill out the screen and check a few things, click SUBMIT, and you're on
your way!
Alternatively, simply send a brief e-mail message to:
.. and state you wish to volunteer. (Or, just reply to this mailing
and state that you wish to volunteer.)
Please include a sentence or two stating how you are most interested in
helping out. Anything general or specific is perfectly fine. Anything
from one sentence to a book length manuscript will be ok.

We're not asking for any kind of a major time or effort commitment on
your part. All we ask is that each volunteer organize or assist with
one activity. That's it.
If you're a bit shy, that's fine. We'll find something for you where you
don't have to go cold-calling vendors or anything like that.
And yes, out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged! As you know, we're not
limited to the things that traditionally happen at TG events, and we're
certainly not limited to those which have already happened at DLV.
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Your hotel reservations:
If you made hotel reservations via the DLV reserved room page and you
will not either be attending the informal replacement event or will not
be in Las Vegas for any reason and have not yet cancelled your
reservations, please don't forget to do so.
Those who still have active non-cancelled reservations for the original
October dates, do not cancel them, and do not use them will be liable
for charges.
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Informal replacement event:
Cami writes:
Upon the cancellation of Diva Las Vegas during Halloween week a number
of girls expressed interest to Cami to still have an informal
get-together for those that wanted to still go to Vegas.
This would be a get together with no ties to Diva Las Vegas other than
some of the same people would have attended Diva if it was held.
If you are interested in finding out more information please like the
Facebook page called "Divas Halloween in Vegas". Alternatively, if you
belong to the Diva Las Vegas Facebook page now, you can look for a post
with the link to the Divas Halloween in Vegas page. This will be the
main tool we use to communicate with everyone.
If you are not on Facebook please write an email to:
.. and she will provide you with information.
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Virtual DLV - November 6:
Mark your calendar now! Friday, November 6. Time to be determined.
We will be trying an experiment, an online "Virtual DLV", the first of
which will happen on Friday, November 6.
When the exact time and details are known, a general mailing will be
sent out.
This will be accomplished via a Zoom meeting. For those unfamiliar with
Zoom (it is available with very little set-up on almost all desktops,
laptops, tablets, and smartphones) very explicit instructions will be
sent out with the announcement.
Topics will be of interest to the TG community and the DLV audience in
Big thanks go out to Jennifer for taking the lead on this project!
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This is the Diva Las Vegas 2021 Announcement mailing list.
This list is limited to announcements and other high-importance items.
Replies to this mailing will be forwarded to:
Submissions/questions should be sent to:
Abuse/complaints should be sent to:
Questions/answers and discussion items are redirected to the DLV
Discussion Forum, which may be subscribed to separately or viewed on the
web. To subscribe to the DLV Discussion Forum, send a brief message to and state that you wish to receive the DLV
Discussion Forum.
To view the DLV Discussion Forum on line, visit the URL:
. . . . .
One address for all items regarding this list, additions, unsubscribe
requests, changes, submissions, questions, etc.: <--- NOTE: all lower case
Archives of this list appear on the web at:
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Diva Las Vegas 2021
(dates to be determined)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA