dlv Special mailing: Call For Volunteers ...

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dlv Special mailing: Call For Volunteers ...

Postby External Poster » Fri May 23, 2003 4:55 pm

Call For Volunteers:

During DLV, some of you mentioned to the effect "if there's any way I
can help out, let me know ...", well, this is where we let you know how
you can help.

This year, some of you even volunteered in advance to help organize
certain activities.

Planning and organization of DLV is done mostly on line via e-mail. It's
interactive and participatory. Volunteers form what we call the DLVORG

The DLVORG group is not at all closed or exclusive. With very rare
exception, it's open to anybody who expresses interest in helping out
with DLV.

DLVORG people participate at the decision-making level, the organizing
and planning level, and at the nuts-and-bolts level.

The DLVORG group has one mission and one mission only, and that is to
plan the activities that make up what we call Diva Las Vegas.

All of our major activities were "adopted" by one or more of our
volunteers, who jumped through the necessary hoops to make them happen.

All that fun you had at DLV, on the limo tour, at golf, at the shows,
etc. was the result of our volunteers stepping forward and volunteering
to make these things happen.

Most of the real "work" involves planning activities and making them
happen. (And I say "work" in quotes, because it can actually be a lot of

Joining the DLVORG group is not intended to be a status symbol. We're
all peers, both organizers and participants. There's no class structure
or pecking order. Hey, we're planning a vacation, not building an

If you're sincere about wanting to do your part to make a great thing
even better, to give back what DLV has given to you, and help to run an
event that has literally changed lives, please step forward!

I would also encourage those who are "newly out" to consider
volunteering. We need the perspecive of those who are new to public
exposure when planning DLV. Each year since 1997, DLV has given some
of our people their first public experience. We do value the input and
support of those who are new, as we do the input from those who have
been in public for years.

To join the DLVORG group, simply send a brief e-mail message to
dlvorg@geekbabe.com and state you wish to volunteer.

Please include a sentence or two stating how you are most interested in
helping out. Anything general or specific ("I wanna plan a sky-diving
party.", or "I'll help any way I can.") is perfectly fine.

The DLV 2004 organizational list will become active shortly, and those
who volunteered will receive a confirming e-mail and a welcome message.

External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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