[dlv] Last call! DLV 2013 one week away. Updates, etc. ...

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[dlv] Last call! DLV 2013 one week away. Updates, etc. ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Apr 06, 2013 6:51 am

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2013 announcement mailing list.

If you no longer desire to receive this list, see list
removal instructions below.
. . . . .
In this mailing:

Last call
Special Silent Auction - Penn and Teller
Automated activity reminders
Arriving and making contact
Special Off-Schedule Pre-DLV get-together
Deadlines and cutoffs (updated)
Important schedule update
Summary schedule
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Last call:

Diva Las Vegas starts a week from tomorrow!

You must be registered by tomorrow, April 7, in order to fully
participate in Diva Las Vegas 2013.
. . . . .

All plans are in place, details have been confirmed, and all
Coordinators are reporting that things are ready to go! We are
anxiously waiting to see all of you in Las Vegas!

Thanks to all for the very timely response to activity sign-up
this year!

Please be sure to read the "Deadlines and Cutoffs" section below!
Items listed have been the source of misunderstandings and
disappointments in the past.
. . . . . . . . . .

One significant schedule update. See below.
. . . . . . . . . .

Unless unforeseen circumstances arise this coming week, this will
be the last general mailing prior to DLV 2013.

Big thanks go out to our team of volunteers who have put together
a very complete and rich set of activities for us this year!
. . . . . . . . . .

If you want to attend:

Yes! You can still get on things. However, this is LAST CALL!

If you have not registered for DLV 2013 yet:

Register here:


Please pay attention to various deadlines listed below!
. . . . .

If you have filled out the registration screen but have received
absolutely nothing in e-mail:


Please e-mail us (dlv@geekbabe.com) and explain the circumstances.
. . . . .

If you have registered but not made your activity selections:

Please make your activity selections as soon as possible. If you
have any questions about this, or if things don't work for you as
they should, please write in and explain what is going on.
. . . . .

If you let your activity sign-up lapse or if your registration was
canceled for any reason:

It's easy to un-cancel. If you canceled on the web, you can easily
reverse the process yourself. If you had an activity sign-up lapse,
write in and explain the circumstances and we'll get things back on
track for you.
. . . . . . . . . .

If there are any questions or concerns about attending, please
let us know, and the sooner the better!
. . . . . . . . . .

Latest numbers:

As of Friday evening we have 192 individuals signed up to attend.

This includes 34 SOs, an increase in SO participation from recent
years. We also have 64 new attendees signed up this year, up from
recent years as well.

This could very well be a record-setting year for attendance!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Silent Auction - Penn and Teller:

A silent auction will be held at our Welcome Celebration on Monday
evening for a pair of tickets to the Tuesday 9:00pm performance of
Penn And Teller at the Rio.

This is a $184 value, and will go to the highest bidder.

Funds will be used for the special entertainment ("Buttercup Delight")
at the EHM Reception on Wednesday.

If you're interested in seeing Penn And Teller on Tuesday, please
keep this in mind.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Automated activity reminders:

This is something new for DLV 2013, and it's considered experimental
at this time.

We have methods in place to send reminders (15 minutes to two hours,
your choice) to your e-mail or text-capable cell phones for the DLV
activities you select.

You can set these up from your main registration screen. Use the
link sent to you to update your registration. You should have
received this very shortly after you registered. The button to
set up activity reminders will be toward the lower right.

An instructional walk-through on setting up reminders is on line


Please give this a try and let us know how it works. Please let us
know of any difficulties or concerns you have about it.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arriving and making contact:

For those who are registered, all you need to do is to show up at
one of our activities. There's no permanent check-in desk for DLV.

You can check in at any activity marked "Check-in available" on the
final schedule in the Large Final Mailing.

If the first activity you want to attend does not have check-in
available, don't worry. As long as you appear on our roster you
will be admitted. You may just have to wait in order to check in
officially and get your name tag.

Diva Las Vegas volunteers will be on site early at all of our major
activities and standing by to greet you. If for any reason you have
any difficulty locating the group, find a phone and give us a call.
Contact numbers will appear in the Large Final Mailing.

If you have any concerns about meeting the group or checking in,
please phone any of our contact people, whose phone numbers will
be listed in the Large Final Mailing.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our Large Final Mailing:

On or about Wednesday, April 10, we will be sending out our Large
Final Mailing to all who are registered for DLV 2013. Please look
for this, and if you do not see it in your inbox by Thursday morning
at the very latest, please write in and let us know.

The Large Final Mailing will be different from some previous years.
Most of the material will be presented as a set of links to the
content on the web. If any of these do not work correctly or if
anything is uncertain or unclear, please write in and let us
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Off-Schedule Pre-DLV get-together:

On Saturday evening, April 13, a group of DLVers will be getting
together, informally, for cocktails, dinner and some socializing.

Yes, YOU are invited!

Details, including location and time, will appear in the Large
Final Mailing this week. Boymode or girlmode. No sign-up, just

Please remember that this will not appear on the main schedule!
Look for it in the Large Final Mailing this coming week.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deadlines and cutoffs (updated):

Please pay close attention to the DATES and, if included, the
TIMES of these various deadlines.

(In chronological order)

Those registering after Sunday, April 7, tomorrow, will not be able
to sign up for activities on line, but will have to check with the
individual activity Coordinators during DLV for availability.

Wednesday, April 10, 1:00am PDT will be the hard-stop cut-off for
DLV 2013 registration and activity sign-up.

Beginning Thursday, April 11, early morning, all e-mail to DLV
which is not of an extremely critical nature will be held for action
or response until after DLV. THIS INCLUDES ROUTINE

Saturday, April 13, 5:00pm PDT is the deadline for cancellations
for the Limo Tour.

Tuesday, April 16, 1:00pm **SHARP** is the deadline for payments
and cancellations for the High Tea. See detailed payment information
on the activity sign-up screen.

Wednesday, April 17, 8:15pm PDT **SHARP** is the deadline for Limo
Tour payments. Unpaid tickets as of that time will be released to
the waiting list. Last payment opportunity will be at the EHM
Reception prior to 8:15pm. Waiting list people can check for the
availabity of tickets at the EHM Reception or phone Annie (number
in the contact section of the Large Final Mailing).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Important schedule update:

The days of operation for the Absinthe show have changed since we
placed this on the DLV 2013 schedule.

We will now be attending the 10:00pm performance of Absinthe on
Wednesday, April 17. Please disregard any previously-announced
day/time for this activity.

Those wishing to attend (whether or not you signed up for the
originally-scheduled performance) should see Cami in person at
the Welcome Celebration on Monday for tickets and instructions
on when and where to meet the group.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary schedule:

Diva Las Vegas 2013 schedule
Tentative and subject to change
All times Pacific Daylight Time

Sunday, April 14:
10:00am: Religious services
12:00am: Titanic and Bodies
1:00pm: Lunch With Ginger
4:00pm: Newcomer Open House
6:00pm: Happy Hour options
6:00pm: Artisan Happy Hour
6:00pm: Satay Happy Hour
6:00pm: PT's Happy Hour
6:00pm: Sin City Happy Hour
7:00pm: Dining options
7:00pm: Flamingo Buffet option
7:00pm: Artisan dining option
7:00pm: Satay dining option
7:00pm: Pamplemousse dining option
9:00pm: Evening options
9:00pm: Mainstream Common Gathering
9:00pm: Alternative Common Gathering

Monday, April 15:
7:00am: Katie's Koffee Korner
11:00am: Studio Lites Open House
1:00pm: Lunch With Ginger
2:00pm: Girlfriend Party Makeovers
4:00pm: Newcomer Open House
5:00pm: Happy Hour
6:00pm: Monday evening Dinner
7:30pm: Welcome Meet And Greet

Tuesday, April 16:
7:00am: Katie's Koffee Korner
9:00am: Diva Las Vegas Invitational Golf
11:00am: Just You Open House
1:00pm: Lunch With Ginger
3:00pm: Art Tour - Andy Warhol
4:00pm: Newcomer Open House
6:00pm: Happy Hour Options
6:00pm: Hard Rock Happy Hour
6:00pm: Mob Bar Happy Hour
6:00pm: Piano Bar Happy Hour
6:00pm: Mexican Happy Hour
6:00pm: Hofbrau Happy Hour
6:45pm: Eating Out Night -- NOTE TIMES BELOW
6:45pm: Oscar's dining option
7:00pm: Ruth's Chris dining option
7:00pm: Hard Rock dining option
7:00pm: Mexican dining option
7:00pm: Hofbrau dining option
8:00pm: Mainstream-Alternative Night
8:30pm: Scavenger Hunt
9:00pm: Pub Crawl
9:00pm: Fremont Street Experience

Wednesday, April 17:
7:00am: Katie's Koffee Korner
10:00am: Shopping With Ginger
12:00am: Lunch With Ginger
4:00pm: Nathan Burton Comedy-Magic
5:00pm: Carla's Boutique - Wine And Cheese
5:00pm: PF Chang arrival and Happy Hour
5:30pm: PF Changs Dinner
8:00pm: EHM Reception and Swap Meet
9:30pm: Absinthe Show

Thursday, April 18:
7:00am: Katie's Koffee Korner
9:00am: Trap (shotgun) Shooting
12:00am: Volunteer and prospective volunteer Luncheon
2:00pm: Pole Dance Lessons
6:00pm: Happy hour
7:00pm: Trevi Dinner
7:00pm: Quiet Evening At Home
9:00pm: Audrey Tour
9:30pm: Limousine Tour

Friday, April 19:
1:00am: Non-Charles Bar
7:00am: Katie's Koffee Korner
1:00pm: Lunch With Ginger
2:00pm: High Tea
3:00pm: Macy's Makeovers, session 1
3:45pm: Macy's Makeovers, session 2
4:30pm: Macy's Makeovers, session 3
6:00pm: Happy Hour
7:00pm: Farewell Dinner
8:00pm: Farewell Celebration
8:30pm: Official Group Photo
9:30pm: Dancing at Paris
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2013 Announcement mailing list.

This list is limited to announcements and other high-importance

Replies to this mailing will be forwarded to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@geekbabe.com

Questions/answers and discussion items are redirected to the DLV
Discussion Forum, which may be subscribed to separately or viewed
on the web. To subscribe to the DLV Discussion Forum, send a brief
message to dlvdisc@geekbabe.com and state that you wish to receive
the DLV Discussion Forum.

To view the DLV Discussion Forum on line, visit the URL:

. . . . .

One address for all items regarding this list, additions,
unsubscribe requests, changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Archives of this list appear on the web at:

. . . . .

Diva Las Vegas 2013
Sunday, April 14 - Friday, April 19
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
. . . . .

To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word
UNSUBSCRIBE in either the Subject: field or the first line of
an OTHERWISE BLANK message body. The word "unsubscribe" (case
is insignificant) should be the only item in the subject field
or the first line of the message, justified to the left.

To assure a successful unsubscribe, please be sure the "This was
addressed to:" line above is included in your unsubscribe request.

To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail
to the address: dlv@geekbabe.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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