dlv Gettin close, gang ...

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dlv Gettin close, gang ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Mar 11, 2001 9:18 am

In this mailing:

Kenny Kerr Show special
Web registration problems
Air tours
Mode of dress
Air, fones, and fornicatoria
Roommate Clearing House
Latest schedule
Latest headcount
Web Sites (updated)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Only 51 days left, gang!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Once again, welcome to those who just joined the list or registered.
You might want to catch up with a few of the recent mailings at:


We're gonna have a very good crowd this year, with a good mix of
newcomers and our regulars. This year has been our best response by far
from those in the Las Vegas area, so we'll be seeing quite a few of the
local ladies (and gentlemen).

We're less than two months out from the big event, so hopefully
everybody has their travel arrangements and hotel reservations in
already. Don't procrastinate on this, gang. You will have to face
increasingly higher prices and fewer options from now until DLV.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

>> Golfers?

>I was wondering about this too. Do we need to reserve a tee time? Is
>someone handling this?

It's like this. Last year one of the local people made a reservation
at the Las Vegas Golf Club. I am hoping somebody <hint> will do it again.
I don't golf, but I know there is interest. Stay tuned for developing news
on this as plans are made. <hint> :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kenny Kerr Show special:

>Not sure whether you get Billhere's Las Vegas newsletter (it's excellent).

Actually I do, and I agree it's excellent. However I didn't get mine until
long after your note came in. You must be on the "A" list, huh? :)

>Anyway, in addition to his newsletter, one of his services is that he
>offers a huge variety of free coupons ... you'll see that he's added a 2
>for 1 coupon for Kenny Kerr's new show to his list.

Thanks. What I'm gonna do is (try to) get 10 or so of these to hand out,
and I'll also post the link so couples and those coming with friends can
take advantage of it in advance.

Sooooo, ladies (gentlemen), if you're coming and planning to go with us to
Kenny Kerr on Saturday, you can save some $$$$ just by jumping thru a
hoop here. As I said, I'll (try to) have a few of these to hand out, but
if you're coming with somebody, you'll probably want to get this 'cause
the savings is significant. These coupons are free except for a modest
shipping charge.

>Item (334). New Frontier's Kenny Kerr female impersonator show has a 2
>for 1 coupon. Coupon expires December 31, 2001.

>To order the above, please do not e-mail me right away, but go on the
>following internet site for further information and how to order:


Oh, and while you're on the website, sign up for his newsletter too if
you have any interest in the goings-on in Las Vegas. You will not
receive any spam by signing up, I speak from experience.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web registration problems:

Two issues have come up with the web registration screen.

First is most serious as far as I'm concerned. Some of you may have
entered textual comments or questions and expected an answer or response
and never received one. The comments were not processed by the system
due to the way some browsers handle some characters in web forms.

A work-around is now in place and the problem has been fixed, but if
anybody wrote something in that was important, please re-send by
replying to this list (just hit reply now) and it will be taken
care of.

Second, I've had a couple reports of inability to use the screens, but
have not been able to duplicate the problem. If you've tried to register
and encountered a problem with the screens, please write in and help us
out. The following info would be most helpful.

1. Where in the registration process did you have problems. If possible
give the URL at which the problem occurred.

2. What happened? Did an error message display? If so, what did it say?
Did the system respond at all or just appear to hang?

3. What type of browser are you using?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Air tours:

Denise writes:

>How many people are showing an interest in this? A head count would be
>good so that we can know how long each ride will be, and do a little
>planning. We may want to contact ATC in advance and let them know what
>we'll be doing if we want to fly low near Vegas and Hoover Dam, because
>otherwise they'll assume that we're leaving the area and will expect us
>to climb quickly and get out of there. Also, I need to know if I'm
>going all the way to the Grand Canyon, because there is an area chart
>that I need to pick up for that.

Ladies (gentlemen)? Comments? Who's interested (other than Ricki) in
air tours?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mode of dress:

[edited a bit]

>Excuse me if I'm asking dumb questions, but I'm still confused wrt
>what we're expected to be wearing. I haven't been out much, and most
>of what I have is not casual

>most of my outerwear is coctail dresses and evening gowns

Those will be appropriate for the two dress-up evenings (shows), the
limo tour, and even the welcome get-together and farewell party if
you want to go dressy to them.

>and lingerie of course.

That will be appropriate under your outer garments most anytime. :)
Or ... as outer garments for Rocky Horror (really, not kidding).

>Will there be a chance to buy a few things more casual?

Yes. Shopping trip on Thursday will hit several places, and there
will be shopping opportunities Saturday afternoon during the Strip

>I'm still unsure of the right casual look, if you know what I mean.

Homework for you, between now and DLV: Observe gg's of your approximate
age, size, etc. in casual settings, such as shopping malls, etc. You'll
find there's quite a bit of latitude. Of course if you want some opinions
on what will "work" for you, there will be plenty of sisterly advice at
DLV. As a few of the others to suggest things when we go shopping.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

>Hi, I don't see that many meals on the event schedule. What is the
>deal with food?

The only meals on the schedule are those that our people have planned as
group events so far. If somebody wants to plan additional ones, please
go right ahead. (Please take the time issue into careful consideration
if planning anything for the two dress-up evenings.)

>Where will we be eating?

Anywhere and everywhere.

In general, everybody's on one's own for food. Most people eat in the
hotel coffee shops and buffets or the fast food places on or near the
Strip. There are many nicer restaurants in and near the hotels as well.
Some people u$e the hotel'$ room $ervice. :) If you don't like to eat
alone, it will be no problem at all to find others to join you.

>Are we expected to eat En Drab?

That's entirely up to you and what you're comfortable with. Some people
remain in one mode throughout DLV. Others are a bit shy in the general
public and eat and spend the days in boymode and (pardon the expression)
dress for the evening events.

Experience has shown that almost every restaurant, coffee shop, buffet,
fast food outlet, etc., will welcome your business in either mode.


You're very welcome. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Air, fones, and fornicatoria:

>> +************** $39 - $99 One-Way Fares ***************

>What's the $39 special? Do you ride in the baggage compartment, or in
>the biffy? Personally, I've always hated the "biffy fare"...every time
>someone wants to pee, you have to get up and stand outside, and those
>toilet seats aren't very comfortable.

Actually, the biffy might have more legroom than Southwest's regular
seats. :) (Hey, I'm not exactly tall, and I find it hard to stretch
the legs during a 2 hour flite on Southwest or America West.)

>> They (the casino people) get upset if you use a cell phone in the sports
>> book area. I would assume they would freak if somebody used a two-way
>> in those areas as well.

>I also wouldn't recommend them when you're down on the poor side of
>town buying crack. It really makes people go nuts.

>> >And there are always rooms available at the Del-Mar, although they're a
>> Well, I have no experience at that place. :)

>At least none that you'll admit to.

Hey, just because I don't admit to it, doesn't mean I did it. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Roommate Clearing House:

This will be an ongoing section whenever there are current roommate
items. Items will be posted until we get a note to remove them. If you
are interested in sharing a room with the individual(s) below, please
contact directly using the e-mail address(es) below.

Please keep in mind that any roommate arrangements are a private matter
between the cooperating parties only. DLV organizers and volunteers are
not responsible if there are problems or if things don't work out. We do
absolutely no screening of roommate candidates. Everything is at the
risk of those involved.
. . . . .

Roommate (with room) Needed:

Name: DeeDee Devereaux
e-mail address: deedeenola@hotmail.com
Arriving: Wednesday or Thursday
Leaving: Sunday or Monday (adjustable)
Do you have a room to share, or do you need space in one: Need space

Any annoying habits or traits:
Don't smoke or snore, but I do spend a lot of time in front of the mirror.

Any additional notes or comments:
Anyone coming out of New Orleans?
. . . . .

Roommate (with room) Needed:

Name: Rachael
e-mail address: Silkylegsnlips4u@aol.com
Arriving: 05/02/2001 (Wednesday)
Leaving: 05/07/2001 (Monday)
Do you have a room to share, or do you need space in one: Need space

Any annoying habits or traits:
I don't smoke, don't snore, I am not into late TV, really no annoying

Any additional notes or comments:
I don't mind sharing with someone that has some habits. I am very easy
to get along with.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

To register for Diva Las Vegas 2001 (no charge), visit the URL:


To change/update your registration, visit the URL:


The numeric Confirmation Number you get when you register will be your
password to the update page. If you have misplaced or forgotten this,
write to dlv@geekbabe.com with your name and e-mail address and it will
be sent to you.

If for some reason you are unable to register on the web, or if you
would prefer not to, you may register the "low-tech" way by sending
e-mail to: dlv@geekbabe.com as in the years before.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Latest schedule:

Wednesday: 5:00pm Dinner Milano's
May 2 7:30pm Pre-DLV get-together LV Lounge

Thursday: Morn
May 3 Aft
3:00pm Shopping, dinner, more shopping
After Keys

Friday: Morn Air tours Details TBA
May 4 1:00pm Matinee movie Location TBA
5:00pm Din-din Sahara Buffet
7:30pm Welcome Goodtimes
(Official group photo taken about 9:00pm)
11:00pm Dance Night Gipsy, et. al.
2 AM Late Night Gambling Location TBA

Saturday: 12:00n Shopping and Hopping Start at Paris
May 5 8:30pm Kenny Kerr And Friends Frontier
(Official group photo taken immediately after)
Midnite Rocky Horror Picture Show Paradise 6
After Barhopping

Sunday: Morn Air tours Details TBA
May 6 1:00pm Dam tour
10:00pm Folies Bergere Tropicana
After Limo Tour of Strip

Monday: Morn
May 7 Aft Side trip - Rhyolite
8:00pm Bibi get-together LV Lounge
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Latest headcount:

Sun Mar 11 01:05:45 CST 2001
Ppant signup: 65
SO signup: 17
Total signup: 82
Weighted signup: 52.65
Projected headcount: 75.44
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Sites (updated):

DLV main page http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/

Michelle Jenkins http://www.idis.com/mpj
Tina http://home.swbell.net/tinatdre/
annie http://www.geekbabe.com/annie/
Julie http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Park/9289/
Rickie's Place http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/rick121
Margeth http://www.geekbabe.com/margeth/
Melissa http://www.geocities.com/melissa_t17
Cactus Rose Club http://www.geocities.com/crc_az
Debbie Sage http://intermind.net/~sage/
Vicki http://hometown.aol.com/vickits44/myhomepage/index.html
Mindy http://www.fortunecity.com/village/freedom/785/
Bea http://BeatrizZ.tripod.com/
Lorraine http://members.tgforum.com/lorraineadams
Julie Anne http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Chelsea/8576/
Dorothy http://dorothy_d.homestead.com/home.html
Denise (Densie) http://www.geekbabe.com/admaero/
Linda http://hometown.aol.com/lindatvgirl/myhomepage/profile.html
Robin http://www.geocities.com/cdrobinfl/
Leslie http://hometown.aol.com/lesliejohara/myhomepage/index.html
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2001 mailing list.

Diva Las Vegas 2001
May 2-7, 2000
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Please do not send binary attachments (photos, etc.) directly to the
list, as the list processor will not properly handle them. If you want
to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE
in either the Subject: field or the first line of the message body. The
word "unsubscribe" (case is insignificant) should be the only item in
the subject field or the first line of the message, justified to the


Please pay attention to the above. Many automated unsubscribe requests
fail for this reason.

To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
the address: dlv@geekbabe.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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