dlv Activities, rooms, various things ...

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dlv Activities, rooms, various things ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:56 pm

This is the general Diva Las Vegas 2002 mailing list.
List removal instructions are below.
Replies to this message will be forwarded to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@omahug.org
. . . . .
In this mailing:

Housekeeping items
Michael Cagle
Confusion and clarification
Photography policy
About photography
Door counts
Changing and driving
Sahara rooms available weekend
Locations and rides
Waiting lists and changing
Boilerplate items
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Only 20 days left, gang!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We're less than three weeks away from the big event. If you would still
like to get in on DLV, yes, there is time, but you need to act now. What
you need to do is this:

1. Register, if you have not done so already. You may register at:


2. Fill out the activity headcount and sign-up screen. See immediately

3. Make your travel and hotel arrangements. Don't hesitate. Prices are
rising and options are diminishing.

4. Show up and have a great time!

For those who registered for DLV 2002 between last Saturday evening and
Wednesday afternoon, you should have received a mailing with a clickable
link to an activity headcount screen. Please fill this screen out as
soon as possible. Space is filling up on several activities. If you
registered between Saturday and Wednesday and have NOT received this,
please let us know, just reply to this mailing and say so. See notes
below if you are confused about registration, sign-up, etc.

Those of you who received the original batch of these and have not
yet responded should have received a reminder yesterday. Please, this
is a very necessary item. If none of those activities appeal to you,
please fill this out anyway, indicating you will not be attending any
of these if this is the case.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Housekeeping items:

A few misc. housekeeping items here ...

Thanks to all for the great response on activity sign-up!

Please keep those activity sign-ups coming in. Most of the people have
already responded, thank you, but there are still some from whom we've
heard nothing, including some very familiar faces (>>HINT<<). If for
some reason you have registered and have not received a mailing with
a clickable link inside of it, please let us know.

Those who did not respond to the first mailing most likely received a
gentle reminder yesterday. Not-so-gentle reminders will begin this
weekend. :)

A point of clarification, you must click on the SUBMIT button at the
bottom of the activity signup screen for your selections to be recorded.
You will then get the message: "Thank you. Your selections have been
recorded." If you do not see this message, your input has not been
processed. You will not receive a confirming e-mail for your activity
selections. Please report any difficulty.
. . . . .

As of Wednesday morning I appear to be caught up with DLV correspondence
and responses. If you sent in anything prior to Wednesday morning and
have not received a response or seen it in the mailing, please send
in a reminder.
. . . . .

It's probably not too early to get your reservation in for your La Cage
(Frank Marino Show) tickets for Saturday evening. We don't want to see
anybody miss out on this because they can't get tickets, and there's a
toll-free number available.

Phone number for Riviera box office is (local) 794-9433 or (toll free)
877-892-7469. Please be sure you specify VIP tickets, 9:00pm show,
Saturday, May 4.

You do not need to mention that you will be attending with the DLV
group, but you MUST reserve a VIP (preferred seating) ticket for the
9:00pm show.
. . . . .

Yahoo mail: I've been getting sporadic reports that our mailings have
not been getting to users of Yahoo mail. In all cases it's been "black
hole" in that no bounce message was sent back but the items do not
appear in the user's inbox. In all reported cases, we've been able to
show in the logs that Yahoo accepted the mail.

If you use Yahoo and don't get mailings on Wednesday and Sunday, you
should probably check on the web in the archives:

. . . . .

A reminder: Photos for our people gallery should be sent directly
to annie@annie.net and not to the list address, as the list processor
will not handle binary attachments. The gallery is at the URL:


If you want to be part of this, and it's not restricted to those who
will attend this year, please send 1-4 photos, at least one being a
clear face shot, to annie@annie.net. If you've attended DLV, please
list the years, and if you want to have your web URL and/or e-mail
posted with your photos, say so.

And please, resend if you get a note from me reminding you that
sending to the list will not work. :)
. . . . .

>I'd like to sign up for all but Golf and Haistyling, please.

Please, we're asking everybody to do this yourself using the link that
was sent to you either last Thursday or shortly after you registered.
Thanks for cooperating on this.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Michael Cagle:

>>>>roll please ... {tat-a-tat-a-tat-a}) Michael Cagle. {cymbal crash}

>Love those sound effects!

Thanks. {blush} :)


>I wouldn't call him Yummy, but he puts on a good show.


>I just caught
>the tail end of his show last year up at the Keys, and he had maybe
>20-30 of the Diva girls up there dancing on stage with him. I'm looking
>forward to seeing his complete show this year.

Yes, this is shown at:


More views similar appear on the page:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Confusion and clarification:

(Somewhat edited.)

>>Everybody who registered for DLV 2002 prior to this Saturday evening,
>>We're asking everybody to please fill out this headcount screen as soon

>Major confusion here please clarify. I don't know if I'm registered or
>not. I signed up for the event last summer and now your talking about
>event sign up and I haven't received anything and I'm not sure if I'm
>supposed to, but I am planning on coming. I'm very confused. Help!

Hopefully I can clear up some of this confusion. There are three things
that the people who are attending have to do in order to attend, and
there does seem to be confusion regarding them. Those are:

1. JOIN THE MAILING LIST. You have done this one way or another if you
have been receiving these mailings. This also happens automatically when
you register if the e-mail address you submit is not on the list
already. All this does is gets you the mailings, it does not sign you
up to attend anything.

2. REGISTRATION. This signs you up for DLV 2002, lets us know that you
will be attending at least some of our activities. It does not sign you
up for any activities where a headcount is necessary. Register at:


This link appears in most mailings since last February. This is not
optional. It is required for those attending. This gets you on the list
of those who will be attending. When you register you will get a
confirmation number in e-mail. This is two large numbers separated with
a hyphen, such as: 123456789-01234. If you have not received this, you
have not registered. If you have lost or misplaced it, you can recover
it at the above URL.


This is done via a clickable link that is sent to those who have registered
at the link given in #2 above. This does two things. First, it reconfirms
your intent to attend, and second it gets you on any individual activity
lists where a separate headcount or sign-up is required.

I hope this clears things up a bit. If you have any difficulty in
registering or filling out the activity screen, please let us know.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Photography policy:

This next item will be sent in the large final mailing to those who have
registered. Tina has requested that we send it out in advance to the
general lists to let everybody know what the story is regarding photos.

As always, if anybody has any questions or concerns, let us know.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About photography:

At DLV, there are no general restrictions on the taking of or the
noncommercial use of personal photographs. It can be assumed that
several people present will have cameras and will be taking pictures
throughout the event at all activities.

In addition, there will be one or more times where we call for a posed
group photograph.

Once a photograph has been taken, it is very difficult, if not
impossible, to control the distribution of it.

It can be assumed that a significant number of the photos taken at DLV
will end up on the web.

That being said, the conclusion of a discussion of this following DLV
2001 was that the risk of unwanted recognition as a result of appearing
in a DLV photograph is extremely small. Very close to zero!

The highlights of that discussion can be summarized as follows:

* The chance of a naive friend, relative, co-worker, etc., stumbling
on your photograph on the web is so small as to be statistically

* It is very unlikely that somebody who knows you only in boymode will
actually recognize you when seeing an image of you in girlmode.

* The clarity and closeness of typical photographs taken at DLV will
seldom result in an actual recognizable likeness.

* Only people with an active interest in the subject (transgender) spend
any time viewing DLV pages in detail.

Camera-shy individuals, please follow these guidelines:

1. In a courteous manner, please inform anybody who is taking pictures
if you do not want to be photographed. Remind them at each activity at
which they are taking pictures. Refresh their memory if they point a
camera your way.

2. Be aware that during the excitement of the moment, those taking
pictures may not remember that you do not wish to be photographed. If
somebody points a camera your way, wave him or her off or turn your

3. If you don't want to be photographed, do not pose whenever a call is
made for a group photograph. No, we will not be making two editions of
the group photos.

Photographers, please observe the following:

1. Please respect the wishes of those who do not want to be photographed.

2. Please use discretion when photographing anybody in boymode,
mixed-mode, or any state of undress or incomplete dress.

3. Please look beyond the subject of your photographs to avoid including
those in the background who might not want to be in your photographs.

When we put together the "official" DLV 2002 followup pages, we will post
all candidate photos in a private staging area. All present will have the
opportunity to preview these and everybody will have a reasonable number
of "no" votes to any photos in which they appear.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Door counts:

>Never having been to this event before, I cannot judge the scale of the
>event especially when I see that events are sold out. Can you tell me
>roughly how many people are expected, 100-1000-10,000-100,000....

We're still expecting a total combined headcount of between 70 and 100
individuals. As has been the case before, you will never see everybody
in any one place at any one time. However, this year we're seeing people
stating they're coming earlier and staying longer, so many of the
activities will have significantly more people than they have had in
previous years.

As for the activities that are full, this is mostly those that have a
limited capacity, such as the air tours, which have two small planes,
and the makeup demo which is limited to 30 people due to the size of
the shop.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Changing and driving:

A couple related answers here ...

>Where will we be changing?

In most cases, usually in your hotel room.

>Will the hotel provide a changing room, or do you
>go to the events dressed?

Almost everybody dresses and changes in their own hotel rooms and goes to
the various activities without any further changing.

For a few of the activities, such as the slumber party, yes, there will
be areas in which to change on site.

If you're new to going out, or a bit uneasy or uncertain, we can arrange
for a Big Sister to meet you at your hotel room and escort you to your
first few activities if necessary.

>Can you drive dressed?

If you have the proper license and are comfortable with it, yes. I'm
unaware (IANAL) of any laws that prescribe the style and manner of dress
when operating a motor vehicle.

This is really determined by you and your comfort level.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sahara rooms available weekend:

Anya writes:

>Annie, thought I would pass this info on concerning rooms for may 3
>and 4.

>looks like Sahara has rooms available 109/109 per their website

>Stratosphere 99/109

>Luxor 129/159 ask for egyptian passage special

>Excalibur 149/179

>Circus Circus manor rooms (motel section) 119/119

>Boardwalk 113/113

>Monte Carlo 149/189

>prices are always subject to change at any time hope this helps

Thanks for the report.

IMAO, those are all a bit on the high side, but if that's where things
fall on the supply-demand curve, that's where the market is. I do know
that about a week ago when I got the note that Sahara was sold out, I
checked on the website and found it to be the case. Checking again, it
shows Friday and Saturday available, no Saturday arrivals, at $109
again. I have a feeling the big prize fight being cancelled opened up
some rooms.

Lower priced rooms are still available for the DLv weekend, however.

Checking quickly with Hotel Discounts (www.hoteldiscounts.com) we find
Tuscany (brand new) $95.95, various Stations $75-ish, Arizona Charlies
$65 and $85, Fiesta $69.95, Gold Coast $99, Silverton $79.95

Checking Travelocity (www.travelocity.com) we find Boardwalk $95.95,
Palace Station $75, Wild West $65 (way overpriced), AC's $59/65, Fiesta
$69, Boulder Palms $35.95, Vagabond, $74, ** SAHARA $85 **, Terribles

I limited those to under 3 figures. If you wanna spend $100+ for a room,
there are plenty of people ready to sell you one.

Over the next two weeks, I'm sure many of those under $100 rooms will
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locations and rides:

>Question: Maybe this is too early. When and where do we find out when
>and where all the various activities are going to be held? Especially
>the first, pre-DLV dinner?

About a week before DLV we will send out a HUGE mailing (Michelle calls
this the Annual War And Peace Edition) which will have, among other
things, a final schedule with locations, times, dress suggestions,
driving directions, etc.

>How to get a ride? Will there be a list of participants who want to be
>on such a list, perhaps with email addresses and Las Vegas hotel hotel

We will be publishing a list of volunteer drivers and those who need
rides shortly before DLV. These will be grouped by those staying at the
Sahara, those staying at the Imperial Palace, and those staying
elsewhere. We'll help get people who need rides get matched up with
volunteer drivers at the first few activities.

The only activities where we anticipate any uncertainty with rides are
the first few, such as the Tuesday evening dinner and the Pre-DLV
get-together on Tuesday. For those, I'll be driving some of those who
will be at the Sahara and Leah will be covering some of those staying
at other places, and we will try to have a couple others standing by
as well.

For those staying at the Sahara, I'll have a van leaving the rear valet
park about 1/2 hour before the start time of the Tuesday dinner and the
Tuesday Pre-DLV gathering. I'll confirm the times in the large final
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Alicia writes:

>Had a makeover by Jennifer at the Glamour Boutique, She is does a
>fabulous job, and I was in a very large hurry, she got me looking great
>in about 10-15 minutes.

>I am now anxious how I will look if she really had time to fix me up.
>Going to hold her to her promise.

>She is wonderful, helpful, and very nice. VERY HIGH KUDOS to Jennifer
>at Glamour Boutique.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Waiting lists and changing:

>I signed up for the slumber party and the wig styling. How can I tell
>whether I made the list for these activities.

Both of these still have plenty of space. The sign-up screen will indicate
activities as full as they reach capacity.

If anybody is unclear if they made the A list or the waiting list on
anything, please ask. These will change as people cancel or change their
minds on what activities they want to do.

>Also, will changing facilities be available at the slumber party? I'd
>like to arrive in boy-made and change into girl-mode when I get there.

Yes, there will be room to change at this activity. Most other
activities will not have convenient changing areas.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Boilerplate items:

Most boilerplate items (schedule, web sites, ongoing announcements,
etc.) do not appear in midweek mailings unless there are significant
updates to them. Please refer to last Sunday's mailing at the URL below
for these.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2002 mailing list.

Diva Las Vegas 2002
April 30 - May 5, 2002
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Please do not send binary attachments (photos, etc.) directly to the
list, as the list processor will not properly handle them. If you want
to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE
in either the Subject: field or the first line of an OTHERWISE BLANK
message body. The word "unsubscribe" (case is insignificant) should be
the only item in the subject field or the first line of the message,
justified to the left.


Please pay attention to the above. Many automated unsubscribe requests
fail for this reason.

Note that this will unsubscribe you from the main DLV list only. If you
are on any secondary lists (DLVORG, DLVGOLF) you must unsubscribe from
them in addition.

To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
the address: dlv@geekbabe.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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