Folies and Blue Man Group ...

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Folies and Blue Man Group ...

Postby External Poster » Tue Oct 01, 2002 5:46 pm

This posting is from: annie

>Is this the show at the Tropicana that DLV went to, two years ago,
>which was followed by the 1st inaugural limo ride/tour? I wouldn't
>mind seeing it again also.

Yes, Folies (one "l") was that show. It's currently the longest-running
production show in Las Vegas, but it's continuously updated and the
variety acts change every so often, so it probably would not bore
anybody who saw it with the group in 2001.

>Has anyone seen Blue Man Group - enfemme, and if so, would this be
>another option? I heard its kinda weird, but fun to watch.

I saw this shortly after it opened. It's not for everybody, but most
people can enjoy it. Yes, weird. I don't wanna give too much of it away,
just don't be late. :)

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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