Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

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Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

Postby Valerie » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:16 pm

Speaking of which... bathroom use is one of those topics that is often worrisome to those who are getting out for the first time. I know, I'm one of them. What is the normal practice in the Chicago area and/or at these venues? Matching facility selection with current gender presentation?
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Re: Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

Postby annie » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:11 am

> What is the normal practice in the Chicago area and/or at
> these venues? Matching facility selection with current
> gender presentation?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer:

I am not a lawyer, but I believe that Illinois/Chicago statutes now prohibit discrimination related to public accommodations based on gender identity/expression. (Researching this will be left as an exercise for the student.) :)

Throughout the history of Pinkfest (this will be our 13th. year) I cannot remember any major restroom issues or incidents, and this reflects very highly on the attendees, who have always used good practice!

Although it's written for another event, a good bullet-point summary of best-practice restroom guidelines appears on this page:

Look about half way down the page.

A more detailed discussion, which is now almost a decade old but mostly still relevant, appears here:

Bottom line with regard to restromms: Use it, don't abuse it! :)
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Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:03 am

This posting is from: Laura Wright

Here are a few Chicago centric tips:

1. A number of Chicago area businesses have officially adopted
transgender friendly restroom policies. A Chicago group got a number of
managers to sign-on two years ago and put stickers in their storefront
windows. These focus on the Lakeview/Boystown area, but you can find
many on this link in a Google map: ... d=3D193423

Some places often on the Pinkfest schedule with explicit trans-friendly
restroom policies include Ann Sathers, the Oak Park Public Library and
Rori's Transformations.

2. Several places on the Pinkfest schedule have either single-user or
unisex restrooms like Winberie's in Oak Park or The Berghoff in the Loop
which makes it easier especially if you are new to going out to
mainstream venues.

3. There are several LGBT friendly places on the schedule where you are
not likely to have a problem if you use proper etiquette like the
Downtown Bar or 3160.

Just a few general tips... Always best not to go in groups, don't
loiter, be polite and obvious things like don't stand in the stalls.
This might be worth reading for new folks:

Most of all, don't stress out about it. Be confident. I have never
personally been hassled in Chicago over restroom use, and I am over six
feet tall and definitely on the plus size...

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:46 pm

This posting is from: June LaTrobe


Just some information about restroom use, and the laws concerning use.

First, in the city of Chicago, an LGBT ordinance specifically states
that an individual may use the restroom which corresponds to the gender
with which they identify. However, it also "recommends" that people have
some form of "official" identification that corresponds with that
gender. Here in Illinois, that is very easy to obtain, even if the
individual is not on HRT, or seeing a therapist.

On the other hand, the state law, since 2006, specifically prohibits
discrimination based on "Gender Identity or Expression". It is important
to know that the state can only act, if an individual files a complaint.

Now, from a "real world" point of view, I have no illusions about my
presentation and have never had a problem. I routinely use the women's
restroom all over the Chicago area, from the loop, to south-suburban
shopping malls.

In general, the key has always been, go in, do your business, wash-up
and leave. It is also important to know that women smile at each other,
or otherwise acknowledge one another.

Hope this helps to put everyone at ease.


PS: I am not able to participate this year, due to some serious health

(This posting was entered by June LaTrobe, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:17 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

Thanks June! Sorry to hear about your health. I wish you well!!

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Restrooms (was: Chicago Transit, Pinkfest)

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:04 pm

This posting is from: Ginger

Thanks June,

Sorry to learn you won't be participating this year and thank= s for
your participation and support in past years!

Ginger from Tennessee

(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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