Contact information, etc. ...

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Contact information, etc. ...

Postby annie » Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:03 am

Please continue to use the primary e-mail address ( as the primary means of contact with the group. We plan to check this account semi-frequently between now and the conclusion of the event on Sunday.

In the event our primary e-mail should suffer an interruption or failure, use the "DLV Emergency" e-mail ( as a back-up. We do not check this account except in cases of known or suspected e-mail outages, do please do not use it unless you have difficulty with the primary address. Do not copy this account "just in case", unless there is a known or suspected outage, please. :)

Any Pinkfest attendee who wants my personal cell phone number, please write me ( and I'll send it to you. Please do not hesitate to phone if you need information, want to know how to meet up with the group, can't find the group, or just would feel more comfortable speaking to a warm body before showing up, etc. :)

I will try to be at everything I'm attending early (about everything except for Friday evening and except for the Wellington track on Saturday) so please don't be concerned about walking cold into a venue with nobody to be found. If you don't know what I look like, surf here (mygallery.php?u=53). I will be watching for other Pinkfest people!

See everybody shortly! :)
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