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Postby External Poster » Sat May 08, 2010 5:14 am

This posting is from: JannasStudio2010

Dear friends Annie and Ginger, we are back and looking forward to seeing
all the PINKFEST LADIES when they come to CHICAGOLAND!! After many health
challenges and changes (stroke, downsizing move to new place and change of
Studio name, we are rearing to go! Warm Fuzzies and all :)) We hope to join
you at one of the dinners (Winbereres in Oak Park? or Velvet Rope??) and
at our new Studio too. Missed you last Oct. but certainly will NOT miss you
this time. Instead of an open house with goodies, how about a free eye
glamour lesson for a few of the ladies that always are interested in that sort
of easy lesson?! Maybe make it a 2 hour FREE CLASS with max attendance of
8-10 ladies? Could provide soft drinks and water, coffee or tea if you would
like. I sure miss you girls, and just can't wait to give you some hugs and
warm fuzzies. Let me know if that will work out. xoxoxo Janna hope you
will put me in your list of vendors with our NEW NAME. XOXOXO JANNA btw,
still have the big birds, Macaws and the hairless SPHYNX CATS and of course
our little tea cup Yorkshire Terrier, KATIEROSE, remember them all?? :)

(This posting was entered by JannasStudio2010, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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