This posting is from: annie
If you're getting two (or more) copies of the mailings, one of the
following (or maybe both) is occurring:
1. You're receiving the messages both from the Pinkmyst side and the
Yahoo side.
2. You have multiple e-mail addresses subscribed to either the Yahoo
side or the Pinkmyst side.
If you're subscribed to both the Yahoo side and the Pinkmyst side, you
can stop the duplicates by going to:
Select the Pinkfest group, click on "Edit Membership" toward the top of
the page, and set your Message Delivery to "Web Only". Don't forget to
save your changes.
If you think you have more than one address subscribed on the Pinkmyst
side, send a brief note to: and we'll get one of your
addresses unsubscribed for you.
(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)