What Is Pinkfest?

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What Is Pinkfest?

Postby administrator » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:12 am

Pinkfest is a vacation, not a convention. (Sound familiar?)

It happens each October in Chicago. It's much smaller than DLV, but it's a lot of fun!

Pinkfest has no official connection to DLV, but the roots of both are intertwined. Yes, if you attend Pinkfest you're sure to see some familiar faces. :) Likewise, we have a good mix of mainstream and alternative venues and facilities at Pinkfest.

Pinkfest 2011 will happen Wednesday, October 19 - Sunday, October 23. Information is on line at:


We have an announcement/discussion mailing list for Pinkfest. It's militantly spam-free. To join, just send a brief e-mail to: pinkfest@pinkmyst.com

The content of this list is mirrored by the Pinkfest Yahoo group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pinkfest

AND - New this year!

The Pinkfest Discussion Forum now appears on MyDLV! (Right here, you're reading this now!)

The direct link to the Pinkfest Forum on MyDLV is:


Content will be exactly the same on all media.

We'll have both mainstream and alternative get-together, meals including Lunch With Ginger, take in a show, have a couple vendor open house sessions, and have quite a bit of that Quality Social Time.

Hope to see you at Pinkfest in Chicago this October. :)
Posts: 39
Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:48 pm

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