Looking forward to Pinkfest 2013 ...

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Looking forward to Pinkfest 2013 ...

Postby annie » Sat May 18, 2013 10:59 am

First of all, a reminder: The correct e-mail address for Pinkfest is pinkfest@geekbabe.com and the correct URL for the Pinkfest web site is http://www.geekbabe.com/pinkfest/

We're asking everyone to please remove and disregard any bookmarks, contact list entries, etc. for previously-used e-mail addresses and web site URLs for Pinkfest.

Pinkfest 2013 will happen from Wednesday, October 16 thru Sunday, October 20. A few of us already have our air and hotel reservations. Please don't procrastinate on booking your hotel!

Behind the scenes, we've been re-doing the Pinkfest web site. Yes, I know the current one sucks and is old and stale. We'll be rolling out the new web site during the next week. It will have a detailed introductory section, a discussion on hotels for Pinkfest, and a "roadmap" of the steps to be taken to participate.

We'll be promoting Pinkfest in the DLV mailings between now and October. A number of DLVers expressed interest during our highly-successful event last month. We're also hoping to pick up some who would otherwise have attended the cancelled Be All 2013.

Anyway, the floor is now open for discussion on what you would like to see at this year's Pinkfest. Unlike DLV, we don't have a group behind the scenes planning the event. We do it right here. The schedule is currently blank and open.

Personally, I'm looking forward to a good mix of old favorites and new and different things.

How about you? :)
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