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Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:30 pm

This posting is from: Lyseth

With the current downtown parking situation, $100.00 would be the
cheapest ticket. Hunters has a large parking lot.


(This posting was entered by Lyseth, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:56 pm

This posting is from: Tina

I'm not a big fan of public transportation in any city, but last year's
gas prices forced even a life-long car person like me to ride the bus to
save money. (I'm full-time, having transitioned a few years ago.)

Re Chicago, I have taken the train, primarily the Red Line, several
times in the last few years when personal business has brought me to
Chicago, even though I usually also rent a car. Most recently was last
month from downtown back out to the burbs (all the way to the end of the
Red line). It was packed with Cubs fans headed north to Wrigley, who
all got off at the Addison station. No problems.

This is a big change from several years ago, when I had frequent
problems in Chicago on any type of transportation and on the streets in
general. As I transitioned, I toned down the hair (blond to brunette,
less flamboyant style) and toned down the clothes while still dressing
with style. Now, I don't even get noticed walking in Chicago. As Annie
has said, it's all about the blending.

P.S. Annie has always advocated blending and has published many e-mails
on this over the years on the DLV site. I've learned a lot from her on



(This posting was entered by Tina, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Blending (was Re: Driver)

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:49 pm

This posting is from: annie

Before I begin, for those who don't know Tina, she has been a
long-time off-and-on attendee of both DLV and Pinkfest, going
way back to the early days of both.

A couple years ago I was able to show her all of the "better"
bars in Omaha and she actually outlasted me that night! :)

Tina was one who really didn't want to "dress down", which is
a term I promised her I would never use again. :) :) :)

And for the most part I haven't. :)

>As I transitioned, I toned down the hair (blond to brunette,
>less flamboyant style) and toned down the clothes while still
>dressing with style. Now, I don't even get noticed walking
>in Chicago.

I have to admit, last October I didn't recognize you at CCH
when you walked in. When I saw you walking our way I kind of
assumed that you were a newbee. :)

(This is actually the SECOND time I didn't recognize Tina and
Tina is free to bring up the other one if she wants.) :) :)

>As Annie has said, it's all about the blending.

Yes, and you blended quite well. :) I can envision you on the
Red Line with gobs of drunken Cubbies fans and not getting a
weird sideways glance at all.

>P.S. Annie has always advocated blending and has published
>many e-mails on this over the years on the DLV site. I've
>learned a lot from her on this.

Thanks {blush}. :) I think much of what Tina is referring to
is part of the set of dress items which I referred to in an
earlier mailing. (

As we've discussed in this thread, the concepts of blending
and acceptance are far more relevant to a TG in mainstream
public than is passing per se.

Speaking of acceptance, as Ginger pointed out some time ago,
be sure you don't confuse curiosity and amusement with
acceptance and approval! :)

> Thanks,

And you're very welcome. :)

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm


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