Dress and presentation (was Re: Driver)

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Dress and presentation (was Re: Driver)

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:16 am

This posting is from: annie

>the biggest think that comes to my mind is not trying to dress
>like a 16 year old. Dress you age and act your age when in
> ...
>Dress to blend in not draw attention.

Very good suggestions. :)

I'm going to suggest a reference on dressing in general
public here, but first some discussion ...

I think that this is a trap into which many CDs fall when
they start going out. Many don't start going out until they
are in their 40s or later, and many CDs are physically
taller and larger than typical GGs of that age. They try
to get away with outfits which a "20 year old hottie"
would wear, and the look backfires!

Such things are fine for a T-party or even Halloween in a
so-called "straight" bar, but not for general public.

We don't have any written dress guidelines for Pinkfest.


We've never needed them. Dress and presentation of those
who attended Pinkfest has, with rare exception, been not
only appropriate, but commendable.

At another event (DLV), dress guidelines are in force which
state, among other things, that outfits need to be
age-appropriate, size-appropriate, and occasion-appropriate.

These guidelines, while not esteemed by all, are supported
and observed by the vast majority of DLVers.

A number of dress-related articles have appeared over
the years of DLV, and have been collected together and
"webified" in the dress reference section:


Not all of it applies to Pinkfest, but most of it will. In
fact, Pinkfest has a "cameo appearance" in the Visual Dress
Notes section. :)

I would suggest the various items in that collection for
those who are just beginning to get public exposure.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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