LOGO Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ entry 12.05:

Why does this take so long?

First the photos have to be gathered. Some come in almost immediately, but others come in later, some by snailmail, and some in the form of prints, which have to be scanned. This typically takes 2-3 months.

The number of photos received has averaged over 2000 for the past few years. These are then reviewed, normalized for size, brightness, contrast, etc., edited if necessary, and placed on line in a temporary staging area.

Next we allow those who attended to review the photos and they may request removal of any photos in which they appear. We always allow at least two months for review and removal requests.

It's not until after the removal requests are in and processed that the follow-up pages can be composed and placed on line.

Your understanding and patience are appreciated.

Previous FAQ entry (12.04): How can I tell if the photos of the latest event are on line?

Next FAQ entry (12.06): I attended the last DLV. How can I preview the photos?

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