What is the legal status regarding public restrooms in the Las Vegas area?
Disclaimer: The author of this section is neither an attorney nor a sworn
law enforcement officer, but has consulted with a licensed attorney on this
particular topic. Said consultation was in-office, on the clock, and was
"legal advise" in the strict sense.
Nevada Senate Bill 311, signed into law in May, 2011, prohibits
discrimination in public accommodations on the basis of gender
identity or expression. As of June, 2021, no authoritative legal
opinions have been heard regarding the effects of this law on the
use of public gendered restrooms. This law took effect October 1, 2011.
Some members of the LGBT community consider the above law to be a
"Free Pass" to use the gender-designated facility of choice.
Some property managers, however, believe that if they offer some
facilities, any facilities, available to all, they are within the
letter of the law.
In the past,
a rather extensive search of the Nevada Revised Statutes, Clark County
Code, and Las Vegas Municipal Code revealed no general prohibitions
regarding the use of gendered restrooms in most public and private
facilities in the Las Vegas area. One attendee's conversation with a
Las Vegas Metro Police officer confirmed this.
The conclusion of the legal opinion was along the line of the use of any
property, including a restroom, is "at will" of the
management and they can, legally, restrict one's usage of such as long
as they do not violate applicable statutes or regulations in the process.
Next FAQ entry (13.07): Then what's the story on this "Awful Restroom Law" which I keep hearing about?