Motion For Consideration

This motion will create a Standing Rule as follows:

Persons volunteering to serve as a Big Sister shall be given voting status for the following DLV year, subject to the following:

1. That they are successfully matched with a Little Sister by the Big Sister Coordinator, following the usual and customary procedure.

2. That they are personally in attendance for the majority of the DLV event for that year.

3. That they perform, or attempt to perform, the duties generally accepted as those of a Big Sister.

4. In the event that the matched Little Sister is a bona fide no-show, meaning on the roster at the time the annual DLV event commences but fails to make contact with the group, and no other Little Sister can be matched, the Big Sister shall be granted voting status.

5. In the case of borderline or disputed cases, the decision of the Big Sister Coordinator shall be final, and shall determine voting status.

Results of the vote are:

For: 18
Against: 3
Abstain: 2

Motion carries as of October 2, 2019.