Please read this introduction very carefully!

The intent of this motion, and the resulting standing rules, is not to facilitate exclusion, but to solidify an agreement among the DLV volunteers as to how exclusion, should it need to happen, is to be applied.

This sets a very high threshold for exclusion, with two levels of checks and balances. Yes, exclusion has unfortunately happened, and it happened under a much lower threshold than what's defined here.

Exclusion, conditional registration, and dismissal:

It is affirmed that the spirit of DLV is to be as inclusive
as is practical, and that any exclusion, restriction, or
dismissal is to be considered only as a last resort when
all lesser remedies have been exhausted.

It is also affirmed that DLV is a "private" event and is
not, as a whole, open to the public.

All persons involved when exclusion, restriction, or dismissal
is considered are to act in good faith and use their best
judgement, common sense, and restraint.

All unresolved issues are to err on the side of inclusion
should there be unresolved disputes or disagreements, ties
or a lack of a quorum, etc.

Exclusion, restriction, and dismissal are extreme actions, to
be used circumspectly under exceptional conditions. Applicable
conditions under which such actions may be justified are difficult
to exhaustively pre-specify.

No DLV volunteer, regardless of seniority or position, may
unilaterally and arbitrarily bar any individual from registering
from DLV or attending DLV activities.

No individual involved in the process of exclusion, conditional
registration, or dismissal shall use any coercion or pressure,
other than good-faith discussion and debate, to attempt to
influence others' decisions on the prevaling matter.

In all cases outlined below, where an impromptu vote of the
volunteers of record is to be taken, six volunteers of voting
status shall constitute a quorum.

1. Exclusion from the event as a whole.

The Project Manager may, upon approval of 2/3 of the
Administrative Committee, decline to register any individual
for the next upcoming DLV event.

A 3/4 majority vote of the volunteers of voting status
shall override the decision of the Project Manager and
the Administrative Committee.
. . .

2. Conditional registration.

The Project Manager may, upon approval of 2/3 of the
Administrative Committee, set conditions upon the registration
of any individual for the next upcoming DLV event.

A 3/4 majority vote of the volunteers of voting status
shall override the decision of the Project Manager and
the Administrative Committee.
. . .

3. Admission/exclusion to/from activities.

The primary Coordinator of record shall be the final
authority as to who is admitted to, denied admission
to, or asked to leave any individual DLV activity,
subject to the following:

a. It is requested, in good faith, that unless extenuating
   circumstances warrant, admission will be granted to all
   registered attendees, and that admission will be denied
   to those who do not appear on the roster of registered

b. In the event the Coordinator of record is not present,
   co-coordinators and assistants, in the order listed on
   the final DLV schedule, will take the place of the
   primary Coordinator of record in such decisions.

c. In the event there is no Coordinator of record or named
   assistant present, an impromptu vote of DLV volunteers of
   voting status present will be used in cases of admission
   or denial of admission.

d. As outlined in a standing rule, adopted in 2003, at any
   DLV designated mainstream activity, the volunteers of
   voting status may require an attendee to leave and change
   into a more appropriate outfit.

4. Dismissal from the event as a whole.

The Project Manager may, upon approval of 3/4 of the volunteers
of voting status present, rescind the registration of any
attendee and dismiss the attendee from any further participation
in the current year's event.

This passed the Administrative Committee on 17 December, 2008, unopposed and was passed by the ORG group on 4 January, 2009. The standing rules outlined above may now be considered to be in effect, but it's a universal feeling that this is one set of standing rules we never have to use!